To edit a draft
- Go to the draft article you want to edit, then click Edit article in the top menu bar.
Alternatively, if you are a Guide admin, you can view a list of all drafts, select a draft you want from the list and it will open in edit mode.
- Make your changes.
- Click Save.
The draft article is updated. You can make more edits, if needed. Or you can click Preview to preview your article in your help center.
Publishing draft articles
You must know the URL for the draft you want to publish, unless you are a Guide admin who can view a list of all drafts 9see Viewing a list of all drafts).
To publish a draft
- Go to the draft article you want to publish, then click Edit article in the top menu bar.
Alternatively, if you are a Guide admin, you can view a list of all drafts, and select the draft you want to publish from the list.
- Select a section for your article from the Publish in section menu.
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